Artist's Statement

These bullet points, written before work on the project was begun, served as the guiding principles during development.

  • This project will be a loose adaptation of a riddle I heard in my youth, in which the listener imagines themself to be trapped in a room with no doors, windows or any other potential exits, the only furniture being a table in the center of the floor and a mirror hanging on the wall. The solution involves using puns and wordplay to escape the room: one looks in the mirror, sees what they saw, take the saw, cut the table in half, put the two haves back together to make it whole, then escape through the whole.
  • As this is far too little material for a direct adaptation into Twine, especially for a project that should ideally last between 3 and 15 minutes, there will have to be a little more detail in my version. Perhaps the player goes through a series of similarly barren rooms with similarly pun-centric exit strategies rather than just the one.
  • Humor is very important. This project will fall flat on its face if the pun-centric solutions to each puzzle aren’t sufficiently clever or amusing.
  • Horror-comedy is the ideal tone here. While the principal point of the riddle is to amuse, ideally this adaptation should still communicate the sense of dread that would come with being trapped in a dark, barely-furnished room with no apparent way out.


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